

Learn the Japanese Kana-Alphabet with the MaRu-App and its minimalistic design.

Hiragana and Katakana

Switch between the two Japanese Alphabets with one tap on the Logo.

Whole alphabet on one Screen

You can look up the Alphabet and see everything you need in one Screen in the table tab.


Start learning the Japanese Alphabet by choosing the Kana-Group you wish to learn.

Learn by Memory

The first option on your learning journey is by typing in the corresponding Roman characters of a Kana.

Learn by Drawing

The second option you have is by drawing the corresponding Kana-Character with your finger.

Test your knowledge

If you are ready for a challenge then you can test your knowledge in the Quiz-Tab.

Time-dependent greetings

You will be greeted in the app depending on the time.

Dark theme

Dark theme is supported!